Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Eighth Grade Prom?

I am a Middle School Hair stylist here in Airdrie and Im in Eighth grade and at least 16 people want me to do their hair for prom at the end of the year,the dance starts at seven and school ends a 3:30 so how should i do their hair, should i let them pick out a style out a magazines a day or two before prom or should i just plan out styles and they get what they get? I know im asking early because i still have 9 months but I must plan ahead, and i even have to get myself ready and they want me to do their make up... HELP!

How Many people do i say no to?

Eighth Grade Prom?

u fink ov urself love then what eva time u have left giv them a wicked hair style :)

Eighth Grade Prom?

tell them to get pictures so then it would be easier...also book appointment and have at least an hour to yourself...good luck, the eight grade graduation is the last fun thing thats going to happen before grade 12 prom

Eighth Grade Prom?

How are you legally a hair stylist at the age of 13-14.

Eighth Grade Prom?

let them pick thier hairstyles early. you decide which will take the longest and make a schedule and maybe even have to turn a few girls'll work easier if you plan ahead,they might not be happy with what you pick which is why planning is a better way to go,hope this helps...

Eighth Grade Prom?

u probably only have time to do 3 or 4 cuz if u r doing hair AND makeup, thall take about an hour each but i would suggest not doing anything to big and fuffy just straight or pretty curls or a chignon bun : ]

Eighth Grade Prom?

I'd say, figure out how many you can COMFORTABLY do that night. Remember to keep time for yourself to get ready and look beautiful. If it's going to stress you out too much, take less people. Be generous since it's obviously something you love to do, but don't give at the expense of having a good time at prom yourself.

Keep some styles on hand for the ones that don't know quite what they want so you don't have them upset after you're done, because even though they said they don't care what they get, they do now. Have them pick something, and go with that one. Let each person know you're on a tighter schedule than they are, but nicely.

It's good you're not trying to figure this out last minute, but don't stress too much - my bet is that a lot of the girls will decide later on to get their hair professionaly done, no offense to you. It's just part of the prom experience. :)

Good luck whatever happens!

Eighth Grade Prom?

You're going to be wayyy stressed if you do 16 girls hair! it's good you want to plan ahead..

i would say that since you get out of school at 3:30, your first appointment could be at 3:45(depending on how far away from school you live?). and it should take atleast 45 minutes to do their hair. My mom is a hairstylist, and it takes about an hour!. you dont want to rush and make their hair sloppy and them be upset.

i would only do two or three girls, and try to be done by 5:00, which will be hard to get them done in that time! but that way, you can get dressed, do your makeup, and do your hair, and take pictures -and not have to rush* since the dance starts at 7:00.

i guess either do the girls that asked first! or your bestfriends! but yes, have them bring you a picture asap so you know in advance what you will be doing/needing and have an estimate on how long it will take.

if you only have time for one or two girls, then thats that! don't try to do more than you can, because you need to look awesome yourself!

*And doing the makeup for them, -tell them you are truely sorry but you don't have the time!

hope i helped. good luck.

Eighth Grade Prom?

Have them looking for hairstyles NOW so you can plan ahead and practice the styles a bit. then by the time prom comes around you'll have them looking GORGEOUS!

Eighth Grade Prom?

Let them pic out hairstyles to make it easier for you.

You need to say no to how ever many people you dont have time to do their hair. You can always tell them what to do and let them do it there self

Eighth Grade Prom?

hello, i am a hairdresser as well and when i had a lot of people to do for wedding and such first have all your tools set out the night before. hair pins bobby pins rubber-bands etc. i would have them come with there hair moused and dried maybe even tell them to put hot rollers in before they come. ask a friend to help assist you. that really helps the stress level. give everyone an appt. so you don't have 20 girls in a small space stressing you more. just what you need others saying why don't you do it up or wear it down. changing minds or influencing girls who already had a style chosen also if you practice on them before maybe they realize they can do it themselves. try and tell them you have to charge them. i bet your list gets shorter yet. as far as make-up use model in a bottle after application, your assistant could do this as well as the make-up. this will keep it in place all night long. good luck.

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